Tokyo Raiders

Aygaz Işıkkent Fillint Facilities - İzmir
Waste Water Recovery

It is aimed to recycle the chemical wastewater in İzmir Aygaz Işıkkent Filling Facilities.

Filling and leakage control of camp tubes, 12 kg kitchen tubes and industrial tubes are carried out in the enterprise. After use, the tubes collected by the dealers and brought to the factory are washed for cleaning and the tubes with painted paint are painted in paint booths. During the spraying of the paint in the paint booths, the excess paint is mixed with the water curtain circulated in the cabin. When the circulating water reaches certain pollution values, it is transmitted to the chemical wastewater treatment plant.

Within the scope of this project, Aygaz A.Ş. It is aimed to establish a recycling system in order to be able to be used in the process after treatment of industrial wastewater formed in Işıkkent Filling Facilities at the chemical treatment plant. In the existing chemical treatment plant, improvement has been achieved by replacing the equipment that has expired. Recycling will be achieved by adding ultrafiltration system of filtered water after increasing from chemical treatment and increasing water quality.

Process waste water comes to the balancing pool first. The water, which is ventilated in the balancing pool, is fed to the Reaction Chamber with Waste Water Pumps within a certain automation. The coagulated waste water is flocculating in the reaction tank thanks to the mixer.

After flocculation, the sediment process of the waste water has been provided with the time control set in the PLC and the feeding of the treated water to the balancing tank is provided by an automatic actuator butterfly valve.

The settled mud is fed to the Mud Concentration Chamber with the Mud Pump to be concentrated. The condensed mud is fed to the Filter Press unit to be dewatered with the Mud Feed Pump. The water filtered from the filter press unit is sent back to the Balancing Pool in order to be treated. The dehydrated sludge is disposed in accordance with the relevant regulation under operator control.

Purified water is passed through a Seperator Filter with an automatic blowdown system to enable coarse filtration. After the Seperator Filter, the water passed through the Automatic Backwashed Sand and Carbon Filters to make the fine filtration is passed through the Disc Filter for the microfiltration process before the Ultrafiltration.

Ultrafiltration System is used to provide recovery after disc filter. The Ultrafiltration System provides removal of unwanted impurities in the water and performs backwash operations according to the differential pressure with automation-controlled backwash pumps. The treated water is taken to the clean water tank. ORP controlled chlorine is dosed to the clean water tank with chlorine measurement and dosing system and discharged to İZSU channel.

This system designed by our A. O. Smith engineers resulted in wastewater recycling and water saving.

Our project in Izmir / Turkey designed and is manufactured in our office, Izmir; Işıkkent / Turkey for submission is made. The system has been brought into operation by on-site installation, necessary controls and personnel training by A. O. Smith expert engineers.

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